A Message from Grant Collins, President, Fedcap Canada: Fedcap Canada Selected by Ontario Government as a Qualified Applicant for Next Phase of Employment Services Transformation
I am so pleased to announce that Fedcap Canada has been selected by the government of Ontario to be among the qualified applicants for the next phase…
Fedcap reçoit 233 millions de livres (404 millions de dollars CAN) pour mettre en œuvre le plan de retour au travail du gouvernement britannique
Fedcap reçoit 233 millions de livres (330 millions de dollars US) pour mettre en œuvre le plan de retour au travail du gouvernement britannique
Ontario Adopting Process to Better Connect Job Seekers in Hamilton-Niagara With Good Jobs
Improved Employment Services to Put Stronger Focus on the Needs of Local Jobseekers, Workers and Employers February 14, 2020 10:30 A.M.
HAMILTON — The Ontario government is adopting a new locally-focused model that will better connect people with jobs and reward high-performance organizationsin the Hamilton-Niagara Region, Monte McNaughton, Minister…